owel it was hailing heavily on Sunday which is mother's day(hmm i hvnt been celebrating mothers day with my mom for 4 years now..)
Hail is a form of precipitation which consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice (hailstones). Hailstones on Earth usually consist mostly of water ice and measure between 5 and 150 millimeters in diameter, with the larger stones coming from severe and dangerous thunderstorms - "Wikipedia"
Yea as u can see the hail stones are small..and looks like sago...hmmmm cant wait till the next hail storm..till then..ltr
ps. ure the last thing i want gone
o.O interesting (:
:P i know..and its fun!
alah :/ I want to seeeeee the hail stones wei! How nice if i can teleport there? T___T
ya la..who ask r teleport skill be so noob?!
ouch & dangerous!
T'estimo.. nah its fun!
save it in a jar!
'jo' will melt la..
what? my teleport skill noob?! eh please la at least i can teleport right? unlike you! muahahahaha! :P
'vic' hmmmm..:P
then keep it in the fridge!
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